Thursday, December 11, 2008

5 Ways to Bring Spirituality Into Your Life

If you're like most people you used to be more aware of your own spirituality and it used to play a much greater role in your life. There are a lot of reasons that people lose touch with their spirituality over time. Everyday stress from work and family, tragedy, heartbreak, or just a lack of time and energy can make people think that they just don't have room in their lives for spirituality. But if you really want to have more of a spiritual component to your live it is possible to make the time to find it in everyday life. You just need to make it a priority and perhaps make some small adjustments to your daily routine. Here are five practical ways that you can practice your spirituality.

1. Start meditating - Meditation has a lot of physical benefits and is great for helping people manage stress and it can also help you find your spirituality again and live more mindfully. It doesn't matter if you meditate in the morning or in the evening but at some point during the day take a few brief moments and close your eyes, breathe deeply, and focus your mind on your chosen path of spirituality. Some people like to make meditation a ritual with a special time of day, a special candle, or a special mat to sit on but you don't have to. Even just taking a few quiet moments to reflect when you're in the car on the way to work or walking to your car after work can help you reclaim your spirituality.

2. Do one kind thing for someone else everyday. Hold the door for someone whose arms are full. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you as well as your own. Ask the person at work who always eats lunch alone to have lunch with you. Just one deliberate act of kindness for someone else everyday can make you much more aware of the power of spirituality.

3. Get outside. Being out in the natural world is one of the best ways to remember your spirituality. Take a walk after work, eat lunch in the park, or just sit in your yard with a refreshing drink and feel the peace and calm of nature.

4. Take care of yourself. In order to connect to your spirituality you need to realize that you are a being with both physical and spiritual needs. Make sure that you take care of your physical needs by getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, getting exercise, and taking time to relax each day.

5. Join a spiritual group. No matter what your chosen spirituality is chances are good that you can find at least a few other people who share your views of spirituality. Meeting with others who believe the same things you believe in can be very helpful in keeping you on a spiritual path. You can meet online or meet with a group locally. At least once a week try to make time to attend a spiritual meeting and you will find it much easier to live spiritually through the week.

Andrea R. Lucas is the leading expert in the area of Life-Scripts, the Blueprints by which we all live our lives. She is the author of "Reprint Your Blueprint and Grow Happy & Rich!", which identifies the steps necessary to change a negative Life-Blueprint to a positive one, and to live the life of happiness and abundance you have always wanted. Andrea has written numerous articles on this fascinating subject.

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