Thursday, December 11, 2008

What is Spirituality? An Opinion Piece!

The definition of spirituality from is:

1. the quality or fact of being spiritual.
2. incorporeal or immaterial nature.
3. predominantly spiritual character as shown in thought, life, etc.; spiritual tendency or tone.
4. Often, spiritualities. property or revenue of the church or of an ecclesiastic in his or her official capacity.

The definition above only gives a small idea of what spirituality is all about. It is a very personal and even private concept. Most people will spend hours talking about religion and never say one word about their spirituality. There are a lot of misconceptions about spirituality. Just because a person is religious doesn't mean that they are spiritual.

Since spirituality is a very personal idea, the definition is hard to relay. Individually, a person can be spiritual by communing with nature or helping the sick. It is all about what makes you feel closer to your higher power. Every religion has a spiritual component. Whether or not a connection is made relies entirely up to those who believe in that deity.

On a personal level, I connect to my high power through the arts and crafts I create. Every time I pick up a bead, a wire or a paint brush, I feel a sense of harmony with the world around me. Every time I finish a painting or a piece of jewelry, I feel a sense of tranquility and serenity. Every time a project comes together, a sense of elation comes over me. This is my spirituality.

Then like any religion, I give the offerings of my spirituality to those who I love or who show that they would appreciate the item. This sends my spirituality out into the world for others to see and enjoy. To see my jewelry being worn by a friend, neighbor, co-worker or family member makes my heart soar and my soul sing. This is the ultimate spirituality, the sharing of oneself with others.

Kat Sanders is Owner/Designer for Creative Pride. Creative Pride started in January of 2008 as an online chainmail and beaded jewelry store at As that business was getting off the ground, Kat found that as a way to sell my chain mail creation is was wonderful, as a way to make money, not so much. So, Kat started looking for other sources of revenue and Creative Pride went from an online store to a marketing business.

Please visit my company website: and see how my business is growing!

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