Thursday, December 11, 2008

Interconnected Pathways of Meditation and Spirituality

Meditation and spirituality are two interesting words that are somehow inter-related to each other. When you speak of spirituality, it refers to infinite consciousness in a person. However this does not mean that spirituality and spiritualism are similar as spiritualism is a different concept altogether that is concerned with mediums that may be used to communicate with the dead, etc.

Spirituality is the same truth that one realizes through the great spiritual teachers of the world. Teachers in history like Buddha, Krishna and Jesus are all spiritual teachers who have guided their followers to reach their infinite consciousness. To them, the goal of one's life lies in merging the individual mind so that it reaches infinite consciousness by using spiritual meditation.

When you speak of meditation, it refers to a form of concentrated thinking. This concentrated thinking is not just any form of concentrated thinking; it is a process where you have to make your mind concentrate the source of consciousness found within yourself. This is not possible overnight; it is only after continuous and ardent meditations will you discover that your consciousness is infinite. And it is only for this reason that many a times, the goal of meditation is considered to be 'self realization'.

Remember that meditation can never be done as it is a serene and boundless entity. It is something that cannot be pursued immediately or directly, and can never be reached on demand. However it is only with your concentration, will you realize that there is joy waiting for you out there; and that there is harmony, joy and awareness within you that is waiting to be reclaimed and recognized.

Many a time, those who seek to get enlightenment or have some sort of spiritual experience resort to using meditation as a medium or vehicle to reach spirituality. This is because it is believed, and should be known that that it is possible to reach the deeper levels of awareness in your mind through meditation.

You will have to practice intensively with unwavering determination if you want to reach your sense of spirituality through meditation. Spirituality is not something that can be acquired or reached without any hard work from your side. Many people try to avoid the many barriers that may come in your path when seeking enlightment through spirituality when it is required that these barriers in meditation be overcome for enlightment.

Many people ask if there is a shortcut to meditation and spirituality. This is not possible as it is possible to reach true enlightment through meditation only if you first get to reach enlightment. Besides using meditation, the only way you can achieve this in a more effective and quicker method is by having a desire for enlightenment and spirituality. In the process, it is also important that you remain honest with yourself throughout the process.

With meditation, it is also possible to reach spirituality by 'dismantling' and 'releasing' whatever ego or personality you have in your energy field altogether. This is because many a time, it is this personality or ego in yourself that may hamper your progress in meditation.

On reaching spirituality or enlightment through meditation, you tend to experience a feeling of lightness, inner piece, confidence, inner knowledge, energy and love for self and others. It is also possible for you to develop a deep connection with the planet, the universe and other species while experiencing a feeling of buoyancy, resilience and inner knowing in yourself.

So in a nutshell, it is possible for you to reach or attain spirituality with hard work, determination and the right form of meditation.

Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, winemaking enthusiast who writes for,, and

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