Thursday, December 11, 2008

Spirituality - Your Inner Truth

The definition of spirituality has changed over the decades. It used to be that spirituality was confined to the dogmatic approaches to religion and the structure of churches. However, in these belief systems, there came the idea of faith and the eventual leading to faith in other things and beings besides the idea of God or some other figure.

For example, the practice of Buddhism, while considered a religion, is not entirely devoted to the practice of worshiping the Buddha figure. Rather, it is based on the faith and work to find an end to one’s suffering in the world. Another example would be a spirituality that is based on the belief in angels, wherein followers find comfort in knowing that angels surround and protect them.

What’s great about spirituality is that not only is it something that encompasses every major religion, but it can also allow for different ideas to become something that is spiritual in nature. Those that enjoy nature can find a spiritual meaning in walking in the woods. People who love knitting might find meaning and purpose in the practice of creating things.

Finding one’s spirituality might seem to be a simple task, but this is not the case. Everyone is different and what makes spirituality work for one person does not necessarily work for the next. If you’re looking to find spiritual meaning in your life, you will want to look at your search as just that: a search. You will need to look into various faiths and practices that interest you, go to different gatherings, read various texts, and try living under the many principles until you find that one that fits best.

However, this doesn’t mean that you need to limit yourself in your spiritual endeavors either. Many people find peace and happiness in picking and choosing from different faiths until they construct a belief system that matches everything that rings true to them. Some might find that meditation from Buddhism works well with the beliefs of the Catholic Church, or that the practice of Ramadan is complementary to their yoga spiritual side.

Spirituality is about finding the answers to the questions that you have inside of you. Your questions will be different than the questions of others, and generally something that only you can answer. By taking the time to find out what is missing from your life, you will be able to find your own brand of spirituality – feel free to call it whatever you like.

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