Thursday, December 11, 2008

Spirituality and Life Coaching Combine For Maximum Personal Growth

Spirituality is a "hot" topic these days. Everywhere you turn, you see spirituality turning up in everything from interior design to personal development. The Internet is awash in Zen this and Zen that. Most of it isn't very Zen, but the influence of modern and Eastern spirituality is a significant and growing trend.

So it should come as no surprise that life coaching has been infiltrated by spirituality. However, in sharp contrast to Zen influenced interior design, spirituality actually provides a useful and powerful addition to the already sound principles inherent in life coaching. It would seem that life coaching has gotten a real boost from spirituality.

How so? Let's take a look at one of the foundational concepts of life coaching as put forth by the International Coach Federation (ICF). The ICF defines coaching as a "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential." The key here is that coaching is seen as a "thought-provoking and creative process." Life coaching is thus a process that looks to go beyond the usual way of operating, to stimulate the client into new ways of being and working.

In many ways, this parallels some of the goals of spirituality. The very nature of spirituality is a looking at the non-physical aspects of life. It is an approach and attitude that is focused upon a fuller and broader view of humanity, human life and existence itself. Throughout the history of spirituality, man has sought for ways to live a more fulfilling and affirming life, one that incorporates every level of being and doing.

What happens when we combine these two into what is called spiritual life coaching? Well, you get a thought provoking and creative process that takes into account a full, complete picture of human life to maximize your personal and professional potential. In other words, you get the best of all possible worlds. A process that works with you on every level, from the more worldly, such as your financial life, to the more abstract aspects of your mind and spirit.

When you consult a spiritual life coach, he will look with you at all areas of your life, and not just focus, for example, on your career or marriage. You will dive into your thoughts, feelings and beliefs about all the areas of your life, looking for the deeper or root causes to the challenges facing you. You can think of it like pulling weeds. If you go for the roots, you pull out the actual cause of the weed. If you merely pluck the top part, the weed will grow back.

Consulting a spiritual life coach can thus bring changes to every area of your life. You can see greater personal freedom, greater financial security, easier relationships, and simply more fun and enjoyment. The combination of spirituality and life coaching is an extremely powerful one that is proving to be one of, if not the most, effective means to personal growth.

Tom Stine is a spiritual life coach who knows personally the importance of the spiritual life. He loves working with his diverse group of clients on a wide range of personal and professional issues. His life coaching services can be found at

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